In most ways we were a pretty typical family. We had our routine: got up in the morning, got the kids to school, went to work, ate dinner, repeat. Normal stuff.
Then our home was selected as a project for This Old House. And just like that - poof - the routine was gone.
As a service for you, reader, I've put together this list. If you notice the following things happening to you, you too may be on a home improvement show.
#1: There are cameras everywhere
One day I came home from work and found this in my living room:
I knew going into this there were going to be webcams, but I had no idea each one was going to be 6 feet tall, make noise and scare the heck out of me every time I walked into the room. Not shown are the ones in the front and back yards, or the one parked outside our bathroom.
#2: Very intense people are telling you what to do. And you do it.
The first filming day was an eye opener. I'll start by saying the crew is incredibly nice and professional. The folks behind the camera have the same level of expertise in their fields as Tom, Roger, Kevin and Norm.
But once it comes time to shoot an episode, they are all business. Here's what it looks like when Tom Draught, the director, tells you what to do during a shot.
See the intensity in his eyes? Clearly this is not a man to ignore.
#3: Funny things are happening all around you.
Here's a picure of TOH series producer Deb Hood showing Tom Silva how to use Twitter. Yes, pigs are now flying. You can follow him here.
#4: You see this thing parked in front of your house
I'm sure we'll get back to our routine once the project is over. But for now we're enjoying the ride!