April 6, 2013 -- Manasquan, NJ
Our second homeowner is Rita Gurry, a single woman who lives in Manasquan
on a fairly busy street less than a mile from the beach. She comes from a large
Irish family, and it didn’t take long for Rita to tell me her mother hailed from
County Tipperary and her dad from County Sligo. In fact it doesn’t take long
for Rita to tell you anything. She’s an open book and she likes to talk. She’s
also one of six kids who all seem to be pretty close. Her sister Mary lives
around the corner and some of her brothers pitched in to help renovate Rita’s
house less than a year ago.
(Picture: Rita Gurry from Manasquan, NJ in front of her recently demoilished home.)
Super Storm Sandy hit not long after that renovation and Rita’s modest
two-story house took on two to three feet of water. It is a total loss and the
house will come down in a few weeks but surprisingly, Rita, like so many others
along the Jersey Shore, is taking all this in stride as she moves forward. She attributes her attitude in part to her many years as a
cancer nurse, seeing so many people get bad news. “I’m not one of those
patients, waiting around to hear bad news,” she says. “I can control my life
and the outcome of this storm, so I’m going to move on and build a new house.”
(Picture: Rita's house, after two and feet of water, before it gets torn down.)
Rita tells me how much she loves her house, and not for its finer touches
or even for the new floors she put down just before Sandy struck. She loves her
home because it’s where her family gathers, where her friends meet to talk and
socialize on her front porch, and because it’s where she cared for her mother
before she passed away. I suspect those are some of the same reasons we all love
our homes, and as I look at her overturned furniture and mold-covered walls my
questions about rebuilding fade and I start to look forward to the rebuild. Old
or new, her house has many more memories to make. So we plow ahead.